“ Dear Richard,
I have been a part of Speakers NZ since its inception in 2004. As we approach renewal time I would like to recount my progress since joining this group. In the last 12 months I have generated $1000’s of dollars of speaking business as a result of referrals and leads from the network, in particular from yourself. I have also had access to information, resources and extra marketing which have added to my profile. My thanks for your genuine interest, support and encouragement.
Yours in goodwill,
Pat Armitstead
Pat Armitstead RGN, Dip Ed, Dip FTM, ASM, NSANZ
Professional Speaker ( ASM) and Author Positive Psychology and Productivity Expert Laughingly referred to as "The Joyologist" " You cant lift your bottom line if your people are down" Leigh Kelly on Care advisory Services
Older people
Speaking Out with Speaker's Roundtable
Communicate Clearly Through Email and Voice Mail by Dianna Booher Clear messages are concise, complete, correct, quick--and make you look competent. Whether you were a pioneer in the use of email and voice mail, or have just recently been introduced to this technology, making effective use of these forms of communication is not a "by chance" happening. Here are a few tips for polishing your messages. Follow the rules of etiquette when creating your messages..... More> Speaker Fripp News:
Speaking Out with Speaker's Roundtable
Volume 3, Issue 36 August 9, 2004 In This Issue:
Speaker Fripp News:
Speaking Out with Speaker's Roundtable
Volume 3, Issue 33 July 20, 2004 In This Issue:
Speaker Fripp News:
Speaking Out with Speaker's Roundtable
Volume 3, Issue 32 July 13, 2004 In This Issue:
Speaking Out with Speaker's Roundtable
Volume 3, Issue 31 July 6, 2004 In This Issue:
SpeakerFrippNews June 7, 2004
In this issue: - Build Emotional Connection Through Eye Contact - Follow Up on The Law of Three - Fripp Public Dates and Locations - Brand New Video: Movie Techniques to Make You a Speaking Superstar - From Fripp - 7 Ways to Become a Star SpeakerFrippNews July 7, 2004- Eye Contact Speaking Out with Speaker's Roundtable
Volume 3, Issue 29 June 21, 2004 In This Issue:
Download Full Document in PDF> Speaking Out with Speaker's Roundtable
Volume 3, Issue 29 June 21, 2004 In This Issue:
Download Full Document in PDF> The New Zealand Learning Convention 2004 in Auckland, September, 30, 1 & @ October, 2004.
World Speakers Association. Coaching Seminar... Free! Speakers are learning to increase their income by expanding the menu of services they offer clients. No matter what the topic of your speaking business, coaching is a service that you should be offering. The World Speakers Association will be offering a FREE Conference Class tele-seminar on coaching. If you'd like to learn how coaching can become a valuable part of your speaking business, you must attend "7 Secrets of the Best Coaches". For more information about this FREE Conference Class tele-seminar, complete our survey by clicking on the link below:
SpeakerFrippNews June 3, 2004
In this issue: - The Law or Rule of Three - Fripp Public Dates and Locations - Brand New CD: How to Become a World Champion Speaker Speaking Out with Speaker's Roundtable
Volume 3, Issue 27 June, 2004 In This Issue: * A Note From Speaker's Roundtable * Hone Your Sense of Humour Speaking Out with Speaker's Roundtable
Volume 3, Issue 26 May 31, 2004 In This Issue: * A Note From Speaker's Roundtable * Why Leaders Fail =========================================== * A Note From Speaker's Roundtable Dear Subscriber and Friend; Speakers Roundtable is an invitation-only association of 22 of America's foremost professional speakers. The members of Speakers Roundtable are a "Who's Who" of experts, business owners, professional speakers, authors, trainers, and consultants. Collectively, they have published over 100 books, produced hundreds of audio and video programs, written over 1,000 published articles, own and run several high-tech and low-tech business, and serve as consultants and board members of many well-known corporations. This ezine will share some of the best of their insights, tools and tips that can improve your life, love and business. Download Full Document in PDF> To let you know about our Local Government Contacts Directory, we have a Conference and Convention Centre section in the Contacts Directory which you may find to be a valuable way of introducing your Professional Speakers NZ business to the Government Sector. Kind Regards Linking with Professional Speakers (USA) Tony Alessandra
Member: Speakers Roundtable Web site: Email: Speakers Roundtable is a consortium of 22 of America's foremost professional speakers, sales trainers and seminar leaders. All members are dedicated to serving their training, motivation and consulting clients with pertinence, excellence and extraordinary value. FREE Ebook - Success Secret available at Linking with Professional Speakers (Europe)
I feel certain we would love to develop links with you and am passing a copy of your e-mail to our President Frank Furness. If you have any World Travellers, how about trying to be in the UK around November, this is the month for our Annual Convention and we certainly get many of our colleagues from overseas attending - if you look on our web site you will get the basic details and dates. Nice to hear from you David Pryke Secretary PSA Campaign to Cut Petrol Prices! Received the following which sounds like a good idea. A very interesting idea...will it work ? Apparently we are going to hit close to $1.35 a litre by the winter. Want petrol prices to come down? We need to take some intelligent, united action. Philip Hollsworth, offered this good idea. This makes MUCH MORE SENSE than the "don't buy petrol on a certain "day" campaign that was going around last April or May! The oil companies just laughed at that because they knew we wouldn't continue to "hurt ourselves" by refusing to buy petrol. It was more of an inconvenience to us than it was a problem for them. BUT, whoever thought of this idea, has come up with a plan that can really work. Please read it and join in! Now that the oil companies and the OPEC nations have conditioned us to think that the cost of a litre is CHEAP at .89 / .95 cents, we need to take aggressive action to teach them that BUYERS control the marketplace not sellers. With the price of petrol going up more each day, we consumers need to take action. The only way we are going to see the price of petrol come down is if we hit someone in the pocket by not purchasing their Petrol! And we can do that WITHOUT hurting ourselves. Here's the idea. For the rest of this year, DON'T purchase ANY petrol from the two biggest oil companies (which now are one - BP) If they are not selling any petrol, they will be inclined to reduce their prices. If they reduce their prices, the other companies will have to follow suit. But to have an impact, we need to reach literally millions of BP petrol buyers. It's really simple to do!! Now, don't whimp out on me at this point...keep reading and I'll explain how simple it is to reach millions of people!! I am sending this note to a lot of people. If each of you send it to at least ten more (30 x 10 = 300)... and those 300 send it to at least ten more (300 x 10 = 3,000) ... and so on, by the time the message reaches the sixth generation of people, we will have reached over THREE MILLION consumers! Again, all you have to do is send this to 10 people. That's all (and not buy at BP). How long would all that take? If each of us sends this email out to ten more people within one day of receipt, all 300 MILLION people could conceivably be contacted within the next 8 days!!! I'll bet you didn't think you and I had that much potential, did you! Acting together we can make a difference. If this makes sense to you, please pass this message on. PLEASE HOLD OUT UNTIL THEY LOWER THEIR PRICES TO THE 80 cents a LITRE RANGE. It's easy to make this happen. Just forward this email, and buy your petrol at Shell, Caltex, Mobil, g,a.s. or Gulf Outlets and drive straight by BP Stations Ian Mandeno JP Hi Richard, I used to do quite a bit of that sort of thing being a Fellow of the NZ Speech Board and in another age Plunket Medalist at Victoria University. Festival debator untold years ago. I wish you well! Hilary HudsonJP Banner used at meeting and events:
Dr Denis Waitley
Preliminary advice on visit to NZ of World Famous Speaker, Sport and Business Coach.
New Image is proud to present and sponsor Dr Denis Waitley in person to help celebrate our milestone of 20 years in business. Date (mid to late July) and venue to be announced shortly. Please record expression of interest by return email for preference seating protection.
The public is invited to a powerful business seminar incorporating in the program additional presentations by key skill building and personal development authorities. This is the event of the year to take advantage of Winning Edge Concepts in every field.
What's Denis up to?
He's been on the road telling the Michael Dell story, gained from his personal experience with Dell Computers, one of the most successful business models in recent history.
He's been creating leadership programs for the U. S. Navy, participating in conventions with Bell South and DuPont, and delivering keynote speeches for multi-national financial services companies, health care providers, and universities. Denis is busier than ever.
He has also continued delivering his legendary mental training for Olympians competing in the 2004 Summer Games in Athens , Greece and preparing for the 2008 Olympiad in Beijing , China . In addition to his popularity in the United States, he is one of the most prominent, high performance coaches in Australia, New Zealand, Ireland, Latin America, Malaysia, Singapore, Taiwan and China...And Denis has the #1 best-selling business book in the Chinese language over the past decade.
?st1:PersonName w:st="on"> Denis Waitley ’s motivation is more than money. His mission is to tell people they have more control over their destiny than they believe.? FORTUNE MAGAZINE
“Waitley has a quieter, softer style than other merchants of inspiration. He preaches the importance of basic virtues in business ?integrity, self-esteem and responsibility.? THE WASHINGTON POST
“Vince Lombardi power in a Bob Newhart personality!? U.S. NEWS & WORLD REPORT
“Soft-spoken and low-key, but what he has to say is mentally exciting. Waitley has counseled Apollo astronauts, Superbowl athletes and Fortune 500 executives, as well as helped U. S. Olympic champions enhance their performance.? THE PHILADELPHIA ENQUIRER
?st1:PersonName w:st="on"> Denis Waitley is the man who aims folks in the direction of success. He stares you straight in the eye when you meet and while you speak. The two years he spoke to an NFL football team, they lost only one game and won the Super Bowl twice.? THE ASIAN WALL STREET JOURNAL
“Interestingly, an American author, Denis Waitley has the best-selling business book in the Mandarin Chinese language during the past decade.? THE AUSTRALIAN
“No arm waving or super sell, yet when Denis Waitley breezed on the stage at many Australian management and sales conferences this year, he stole the show!? ?st1:PersonName w:st="on"> Denis Waitley ’s life has placed him in the position of ‘the best there is?at getting employees to think and act like owners. It’s this simple: Get everybody you can to read and listen to his teachings.?br> Tom Peter s, co-author In Search of Excellence
“His material is so fresh, so relevant, so needed, so beautifully expressed, and so vital to the kind of change we all must undergo to succeed in this whitewater world of today.?br> Stephen Covey, Ph.D, author The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People
?st1:PersonName w:st="on"> Denis Waitley cares about you and wants you to win!?br> Ken Blanchard, Ph.D, co-author The One-Minute Manager
“Nothing is more urgent than integrity and wisdom in the borderless world, and no one offers better perspective and action steps for successfully managing change than Denis Waitley .?br> Harvey Mackay, author Swim With the Sharks Without Being Eaten Alive
?st1:PersonName w:st="on"> Denis Waitley is among the best in teaching principles of living successfully.?br> Robert H. Schuller, best-selling author Founding Pastor, Crystal Cathedral and Hour of Power
“This renaissance man, who has changed so many lives through his lectures and writings, has created a magic mirror that will reflect back, to each individual, the kind of person he or she can become.?br> Og Mandino, author The Greatest Salesman in the World
?st1:PersonName w:st="on"> Denis Waitley shows us, most graphically, the difference between mythical, superficial success and the genuine article.
”Earl Nightingale 20th Century Philosopher ?st1:PersonName w:st="on"> Denis Waitley tells how to overcome setbacks, how to find self-esteem, and how to apply his practical approach to setting goals. The Waitley Way works!?br> W. Clement Stone, Pioneer The Positive Mental Attitude Movement
?st1:PersonName w:st="on"> Denis Waitley is one of the most inspiring men of our time. And he has the rare ability to motivate every reader and listener.?br> Norman Vincent Peale, Minister Emeritus Foundation for Christian Living Author, The Power of Positive Thinking
“Lives there a man ?or a woman ?who doesn’t cherish the dream of becoming a winner? Denis Waitley has given the world a blueprint for success in achieving that dream.?br> Mary Kay Ash, chairman emeritus Mary Kay Cosmetics
Sports Testimonials
“I’ve appeared many times with Dr. Waitley and my advice is to read and listen to everything you can from this man.?br> John Wooden, Head Coach emeritus UCLA Basketball Team
“Denis is a mentor for all of us. He has special stuff!?br> Pat Riley, Head Coach The Miami Heat NBA
“Denis teaches us to believe in ourselves and then go out and do it!?br> Rick Pitino, Head Coach The University of Louisville NCAA Basketball
“I have always believed that it takes work and perseverance for even the naturally gifted to become winners. Through his research, Denis Waitley confirms this premise and creatively takes us step-by-step to become more consistent, top level performers in our careers and daily lives."
Roger Staubach, President The Staubach Company Hall of Fame Quarterback Dallas Cowboys NFL “Underachievers are not born, they are produced by the lack of leadership and knowledge. Real leaders empower everyone around them to become all they can be. His program offers you that power; if you will take the principles and internalize them, you can take your dreams and realize them.?br> Dick Vermeil, Head Coach
Kansas City Chiefs NFL Former Superbowl Coach of the Year “I’ve been a disciple of Denis Waitley and his Psychology of Winning since he addressed our National Championship Team.?br> Vince Dooley, former Athletic Director The University of Georgia
“I’ve never met a person who couldn’t use a helping hand. For me, Denis Waitley ’s hand has always been there through his tapes and, for that, I will be eternally grateful.?br> Rocky Bleier, President Rocky Bleier Enterprises
Former fullback, Pittsburgh Steelers Superbowl Champions “The game of life, like baseball, is a total team effort. Denis Waitley echoes my belief that champions are not born, they are developed by commitment, sacrifice and a desire to go beyond what’s expected of them every day, throughout the season and during the off-season.?br> Tony Gwynn
National League Baseball Player of the Decade ?st1:PersonName w:st="on"> Denis Waitley ’s psychology of winning changed my life. I draw on his strength to help me make decisions affecting American athletes, many of whom achieve world-class status.?br> Tom Wilkinson, Colonel, USAF ret.
United States Olympic Committee ?st1:PersonName w:st="on"> Denis Waitley helps individuals like me become winners.?br> Bruce Jenner
Former Olympic Gold Medal Decathalon Champion “From the day I met Denis Waitley , he has been my source of inspiration and I feel honored to have worked with him. In my sad or low moments, I think of him and smile.?br> Wilma Rudolph*
Triple Gold Medal Olympic Champion Track and Field *Wilma Rudolph passed away in 1994, leaving a legacy for all who knew her. CORPORATE TESTIMONIALS
Denis Waitley has conducted keynote addresses and in-company seminars to some of the most successful multi-national corporations in the world, large and small. The following represents a thumbnail view of the responses.
“Your talk was 100 percent on target and had great impact on the audience. The standing ovation you received was testimony to the message and its outstanding delivery.?br> AT&T
“Many expressed that this was the best keynote speaker we have had in all the years we have been putting on this session.?br> Bankers Life & Casualty
“Thank you for your extraordinarily professional and inspirational presentation. It undoubtedly was the most successful such meeting we have ever conducted and was due in large part to your presence and contribution.?br> Merrill Lynch
“Motivation has many practitioners and yet, in our experience, few real experts. Your presentation to our annual convention underscored your role at the forefront of the motivational speaker field.?br> United Van Lines
?st1:PersonName w:st="on"> Denis Waitley under promised and over delivered!?br> WorldCom
“You lived up to and exceeded the expectations of our customer group?br> Dell Computer
“Thanks for an outstanding presentation at our national sales meeting at our worldwide headquarters. We will be ordering your books and tapes as follow-up material.
3M “This was the single highest rating on any individual contributor.?br> Data General
“The talk by Dr. Waitley was one of the finest we have ever heard. All of our team gained a great deal from it and I am sure they will apply it in their lives.?br> Harris Semiconductor
“We knew your presentation would be the hit of our sales meeting and sure enough it was. We have received nothing but rave reviews and requests for information on where to buy your books and tapes.?br> Blue Cross and Blue Shield
“You were the hit of our annual users?meeting!?br> IBM
“Everyone in attendance was impacted by your message. In fact, we have been asked to contact you about scheduling a seminar for all of our Account Executives.?br> Northwestern Bell
”Your message was exactly what we wanted?
Bell South
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