Geewiz Written Books, Manuals & Papers
Richard Gee Presents...Interactive author of 11 books & manuals, now read and discuss the strategies with the author and get mentored for your own ideas for 12 months by email or phone.
Audio CDs are a must for your travelling either for in the car or download to your IPOD and prepare your self to work your customers into decisions.
Download a PDF document of all books, manuals etc, written & produced by Richard Gee.
Download PDF>> a full list and descriptions of products, Books, Cd sets, and manuals...
Handling The Difficult Bits :
A4 Manual of 60 pages with Double cd set package , covers everything you need to know about Complaints, Objections, Difficult customers and selling solutions and selling by objectives plus time management ideas, practical actions you can take to make a difference, plus audio double cd set with 3.5 hours of selling tips.
written by Richard P Gee.
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Strategic Planning Business & Marketing:
A4 Manual of 100 pages & copy of 80 Page Book Creating a strategic Marketing Plan package. A step by step covers everything you need to know to plan your business for growth, or new start up, from a business perspective and marketing success, manual helps you implement strategies and book helps your understanding, plus free email support
written by Richard P Gee.
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Marketing Audits :
A4 manual of 100 pages with copy of 90 page book "How to do a Market audit successfully". the ideal review documents for existing companies needing to check their success by examining the marketing from the customers, and internal and external perspectives. Are you delivering totalling what the customer expects and does every customer contact point say the same message. Your brand gets a good look over too and you can work your business through the manual and read the book for better understanding, plus free email support
written by Richard P Gee.
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Successful Strategies for Sales & Marketing:
A4 320 pages of practical tips on Sales, Marketing, promotions, staff development, media choices, motivation, attitude development, training, overcoming problems and more all about business and sales & marketing focussed, all based on magazine articles written for websites and business magazines over the last 3 years, and designed for a quick topic read or motivational stimulant when you are travelling or need to review actions. Plus free interactive email discussion
written by Richard P Gee.
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Sales planning and self evaluation :
A4 manual of 40 pages with double cd set package, covers the best methods for sales planning using AIDA and SPEND and the 25 questions approach and practical step by step planning ideas, plus how to evaluate yourself and your sales techniques using a check list approach to identify what you need to work on. Plus interactive email support and double cd set full of selling tips.
written by Richard P Gee.
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Sales Call Planning Manual:
Everything you need to know in A4 60 page manual full of how to plan your sales tips, examples of sales plans, step by step approach, how to sell services, and listening techniques and much more , and evaluation review to help you identify what to improve, plus double cd audio set of selling tips, plus 12 months email mentoring, and support.
written by Richard P Gee.
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- Special Deal... Business Focus Bundle
Get everything you need and save yourself $70.00..
You get a copy of Books:
- Practical marketing,
- Sales Management,
- Marketing Audits,
- Strategic Planning,
- Marketing & the Law, and
- the double cd set Opportunities ,
The total package valued at $295 plus pack and postage [$40]... would cost you $335 if you purchased separately....
BUT... purchase the Business Focus Bundle and you can have it all for NZ$265 and with no pack and postage to pay....
PLUS you get 12 months email and 0800 support...
- Australia's Own $ales $cript Book
promoted by Richard P Gee.
Introducing :
In my travels to Australia I have meet many successful sales people and one sales tool continues to be mentioned: The Sales Script Book by Wayne Mansfield of Business Seminars Australia.
I recommend the Sales Script Book... and I have arranged with Wayne for a special offer of $NZ 179 for my clients which includes delivery by Express Courier to NZ.
Richard Gee
GeeWiz - Creating Opportunities for Marketing Success
- Creating Strategic Marketing Plans
written by Richard P Gee.
"100 pages of step by step question and answer guide to creating your plan to ensure your business is marketing focussed and that every area of the plan has been reviewed and strategies set, Ideas, examples, checklists, and ideal for business partners and banks to review."
- How to Market Audit
written by Richard P Gee.
"100 pages of step by step question and answer to completing a market audit for your business to examine your marketing strengths and weakness' and brand performance.."
- New Zealand Sales Management – a Practical Approach,
written by Richard P Gee.
"Richard Gee’s new book New Zealand Sales Management – a Practical Approach draws on this experience to create a positive, practical sales weapon. Refreshingly New Zealand-focused, the book provides real-life examples of sales activities directly relevant to the New Zealand business and sales manager. This is the first book on sales management for New Zealand business."
- Practical Marketing in New Zealand
written by Richard P Gee.
A hard cover practical text that will provide answers for everything you need to know to be a great marketer in New Zealand or small to medium based economies.
Marketing and the Law – a Practical Guide,
written by Richard P Gee.
There are 25 laws that affect Marketing and sales in NZ, get them wrong and you are paying $$$$
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- Double Audio C D set - “Opportunities”
Expand your mind and add to your skills with my “Opportunities” double CD set packed full of ideas to improve your sales or marketing skills. Here the voice of Richard Gee ,friendly & fun, motivating you to greater success in your sales of marketing.
Special - Price
I'd like this to be within everyone's reach, so it's been produced to sell at just:
NZD$35.00 AUD$30, USD$15
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